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Fish Oral Food Challenge Recipe Validation Research


To reduce the influence of psychological effects on food allergy diagnosis through oral food challenge, it is crucial for the subjects not be able to tell the difference between the active patty (which contains fish) and the placebo patty (which does not contain fish).

About this research

To maintain the accuracy of food allergy diagnosis through oral food challenge, we hope to invite participants to undergo (i) taste and smell tests, and (ii) sensory evaluation (tasting) of patties that mixed with fish (salmon and grass carp) and pork. Participants should:

👉 not be allergic to the ingredients of the patties (fish, pork, herbs etc.)

👉 be aged between 10-60

👉 be able to read and write

Participants needs to:

Visit Prince of Wales Hospital to undergo (i) taste and smell tests, and (ii) sensory evaluation (takes around 45-60 minutes)

Participants who complete the whole test will receive a supermarket coupon.

If you fulfill the criteria listed above and interested in joining our study, please register using the link below:


If you have any question(s) about our research, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone/Whatsapp (5614-9123) or email ( Feel free to spread this message to anyone you know.

Recipe validation for Fish DBPCFC_Appendix 2_Sensory Panel Recruitment Poster v2 20210910.
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