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Press Releases, Webinars & Interviews

CUHK in Touch | Taking a bite out of shrimp allergy


A new study led by Professor Leung hopes to change that by identifying the individual allergens, with the hope of developing more accurate diagnostics that can help to address the condition. It looked at 85 people with shrimp allergy, defined as having experienced immediate allergic reactions to eating shrimp at least twice within the past five years, and identified 11 allergens in shrimp. The majority of people, who experience relatively mild symptoms such as hives or swollen lips, are only allergic to one or two of the allergens, says the professor, but patients with moderate to severe reactions tend to react to a lot of them.

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Yahoo News | 免疫治療新突破 呼吸道過敏八成可「斷尾」 毛屑過敏也可成為獸醫!︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 食物過敏竟與濕疹有關! 兒童雙重過敏佔近兩成 亂戒口影響營養吸收︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 本港四分一兒童曾患濕疹 益生菌成新治療方法 學者拆解四大治療謬誤︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 蝦多達 11 種致敏原 中大免費邀患者免疫治療 注入 DNA 疫苗減輕過敏反應︱敏感月


Only Chinese version available. 

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CUHK in Touch | Fighting allergies: CUHK unravels the genome profile of the American cockroach


A team led by Professor Stephen Tsui Kwok-wing from CUHK Medicine’s School of Biomedical Sciences has produced the world’s most comprehensive genome profile of the allergy-causing American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, identifying seven new allergens on top of the existing 13.


CUHK in Touch | New Blood Test Improves Diagnostic Accuracy for Shrimp Allergy


A research team from The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s (CUHK) Faculty of Medicine (CU Medicine) has proven that the basophil activation test (BAT) on individual blood samples has a much higher diagnostic accuracy for shrimp allergy than conventional allergy tests.


HKIA - e-Newsletter (Spring 2021)


A recent article from the United States...highlighted the perils of dining out for food-allergic individuals and advocates the formation of mitigation strategies that can ultimately reduce the occurrence of food-allergic reactions while dining out.... We would like to highlight some of the most common hidden allergens in dishes found in our local community. This would serve as an important educational material for food-allergic individuals and families, allergists and health care professionals as well as restaurant industry. 

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CUHK Food Allergy Webinar - Part 2 Eczema


Speaker: Dr. Cheng James Wesley Ching-hei

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CU Medicine Studies Suggest Grass Carp as a Major Source of Fish Allergy in Hong Kong And Identify Novel Allergenic Marker Cten i 1 to Promote Accurate Diagnosis


The Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) has conducted two researches to thoroughly study the characteristics of Chinese fish-allergic patients in Hong Kong. Results showed that grass carp is more of a leading cause of fish allergy than other species for children in Hong Kong. The research team has also discovered a new allergenic marker from grass carp parvalbumin registered as Cten i 1 in the World Health Organisation and the International Union of Immunological Societies allergen database for diagnosis....


Yahoo News | 免疫問題與體內微生物有關 專家拆解如何引致幼童患哮喘或濕疹︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 魚類過敏一成兒童患者可危及生命 自行找致敏原易出事 中大發現淡水魚鹹水魚有不同致敏性︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 「過敏性休克」嚴重可致命 中大教授教你識別症狀、掌握急救與預防方法︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 本港每年約百人哮喘病亡 拆解坊間「類固醇」誤解 中大教授黃永堅:低劑量助控制病情︱敏感月


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Yahoo News | 鼻敏感環境因素影響大 「皮刺」找出根源 免疫治療或可斷尾︱敏感月


Only Chinese version available. 


Hong Kong Today: CUHK research could help people with dust allergies


Researchers at the Chinese University say they have discovered the DNA evolution of mites, which they hope will help better control them and the allergies they cause. 


Medicine Online: Cow's Milk Allergy


Only Chinese version available. 

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CUHK Food Allergy Webinar - Part 1 Food Allergy


Speaker: Dr. Leung Sze Yin Agnes

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CUHK Food Allergy Webinar - Part 3 Fussy Eating


Speaker: Ms. Au Wing Shan Ann

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